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Rescuers in Ukraine pull 5 puppies from the rubble of a building destroyed by fire

来源:Culture Craft news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-06-03 18:33:00

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Rescue workers in Ukraine have pulled five puppies from underneath the rubble of a destroyed building, a video released by the country’s emergency services Friday showed.

Officials said the puppies were rescued from a non-residential building that was on fire in the northeastern city of Sumy, close to the border with Russia. The video showed the puppies squealing as the firefighters cuddled them in their hands and rinsed them off with water.

It wasn’t immediately clear when the rescue took place or what caused the fire.

“Fortunately, everything is fine with the little one(s), they were not injured. The furries were returned by their mothers,” officials said in a post on the emergency services’ Telegram channel.

“This rescue story reminds us of the importance of human compassion and the willingness to help everyone, regardless of the circumstances,” they added.

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