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Perkins singles in 8th to give Brewers 1

来源:Culture Craft news portal编辑:entertainment时间:2024-06-03 22:25:06

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Blake Perkins hit a single in the eighth inning to lead the Milwaukee Brewers to a 1-0 win over the San Diego Padres on Wednesday, spoiling a stellar start by Padres right-hander Michael King, who pitched a no-hitter through 6 2/3 innings.

King (2-1) went a career-high 7 2/3 innings on the day, throwing 109 pitches. He struck out 10 batters and walked two.

“I felt like I had a steady mix and was able to command all my pitches,” he said. “Mechanically, I wasn’t thinking about anything. I was just going out there and executing.”

King didn’t allow a runner past first base until the eighth inning. Brice Turang made his major league-leading ninth stolen base, advancing to second after hitting a single. King was charged with a run when Turang scored on Perkins’ single off Wandy Peralta.

“Wandy hadn’t given up a base hit to a right-handed hitter all year,” Padres manager Mike Shildt said. “It didn’t work out.”

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