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Raiders pass rusher Maxx Crosby says he has recovered from a knee injury that limited practice time

来源:Culture Craft news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 17:24:39

HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) — The second half of last season took on a familiar routine for Las Vegas Raiders pass-rush maniac Maxx Crosby.

Sit out the week of practice and be ready on Sunday.

Bad knee and all, Crosby was ready and played in all 17 games. But he also knew he needed to get healthy after the season, and Crosby said Monday as the Raiders began their offseason program that he’s done exactly that.

“Rehab has been incredible,” Crosby said. “I just did my conditioning test last week and smashed it, and I’m feeling better than I ever have. So it’s been an incredible offseason so far.”

A healthy Crosby is bad news for the rest of the NFL.

Even at far less than full health last season, he still finished with career highs of 14 1/2 sacks and 90 tackles. He was sixth in the league in sacks.

“I look at myself like a warrior,” Crosby said. “You’re going to have to kill me to take me off the field, and I tell my coaches that. It sounds crazy, but it’s the truth. I don’t look at this like a game. This is my life. I put everything into it. I work literally all year round.”

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